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Crystal Ball (Pair Of 3 Piece)

Ref No. #56


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Crystal balls is said to have the ability to attract suitable match for unmarried girls. The mother should take the clensed and morning sunlight purified crystal ball.Keep the crystal ball in the lef palm. Cover it with your right palm, Concentrate and form an image of your daughter happily standing with suitable spouse.

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Crystal Balls is one of the most accessed and used feng shui accessory. Crystal Balls have the ability to absorb negative energy or yang entering the house. Crystal balls take up the negative energy entering the house.

The best place for the crystal ball is the south west corner of the house.

This corner represents love, romance and relationships between couple.

Understanding  between husband and wife.And better relationship.So keeping the crystal ball in south west corner in your bedroom.

So this surely results in happy, loving relation between the family members.

Crystal balls can be placed in the Living room of the house for an enhanced family prosperity and happiness.
Crystal balls is said to have the ability to attract suitable match for unmarried girls. The mother should take   the clensed and morning sunlight purified crystal ball.Keep the crystal ball in the lef palm. Cover it with your right palm, Concentrate and form an image of your daughter happily standing with suitable spouse.

A feng shui accessory that has the highest impact in peoples life Crystal Balls will be surely one of it. They are capable of elivating the balance in energy inside the house to another level.

Good result for study and Increse knowledge.Crystalball is hanging in north east corner.

 This astro vastu product is seen as having the additional powers of the sun which makes it breaking up the light into colors as a prism.